Friday, March 19, 2010

WWW Lesson Plan

Level : Form 5 (Advanced)

Time : 70 minutes

Theme/Topic : Self-discovery – Discover Your Hidden Talent

Language Content : Vocabularies

Educational Emphases : Learning How to Discover Talents, Preparation for the real world , Creative & Critical Thinking Skills, Multiple Intelligences, ICT Skills

Previous Knowledge :
1. Students have basic computer skills and knowledge on browsing the web.
2. Students know how to obtain information from the internet browser.

3. Students have already created email accounts for themselves.

General objectives:
Promote the learner’s autonomy in the discovery and learning of talents via the use of ICT

Aims : By the end of the lesson, students should be able
1. To identify their hidden talents
2. To distinguish between the differences of their talents
3. To provide names of few talented people

Moral Values :
1. Students will learn to value their talents and develop its full potential.
2. Students will realize that talents come in many forms.

3. Students will be able to help other people identify their hidden talent.

Technical Requirements :
1. One fully-functioning computer per 2 students.
2. Internet connection.
3. Web browser.

4. Email accounts(students)

5. Thumbdrive

Preparation :
1. Search for information on the discovery of talents.
2. Search for a suitable video on YouTube for the set induction and retrieve it.
3. Locates the website.
4. Search for a suitable online personality test on hidden talents for the follow-up activity
5. Checks all of the websites to ensure that the contents are appropriate and suitable for the lesson.
6. Prepares the lesson plan.

Website :

1. Toilet Paper Entrepreneur []
2. Personal DNA []

3. Youtube []

Procedure :
Set Induction (5 minutes)

1. Teacher greets the students.

2. Teacher asks the students about their plannings and ambitions in life.

3. Teacher shows the video of people who are kinesthetically talented, retrieved from Youtube:

Kinesthetically Talented People

Pre-Activity (10 minutes)
1. Teacher introduces the topic and lesson to the students.

2. Teacher asks the students if any of them are aware of their own talents.

3. Teacher asks the students if they know how many types of talents are there.

4. Teacher display pictures of talented people.

Activity 1 (30 minutes)

1. Teacher asks students to listen attentively.

2. Teacher explains to the students about the first activity.

3. Teacher divides the students into pairs and assign each pair a computer.

4. Teacher directs students to the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Website:

5. Teacher allocates 15 minutes for each pair to search for the website, read through ways to discover their talents.

6. Teacher asks students to pick 1 interesting ways to discover their talents and discuss with their partners.

7. Teacher monitors the discussion and helps the students if necessary.

8. Teacher asks representatives from each pairs to present.

9. Teacher makes clarification and/ or corrects the students answers if necessary.

Activity 2 (15 minutes)

1. Teacher asks students to stay with the same pairs.

2. Teacher asks each pairs to search for 1 talented people on the Net.

3. Teacher allocates 5 minutes for all the students.

4. Teacher picks 3 pairs to present on their chosen talented people.

5. Teacher allocates each chosen pairs 2-3 minutes on their presentations.

6. Representative from the chosen pairs will present briefly on their work to the class.

7. Teacher makes clarification and/ or corrects the students answers if necessary.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

1. Teacher opens the floor for students to ask questions and makes clarification if necessary.
2. Three students are randomly chosen to summarize and recapitulate the lesson.
3. Teacher inculcate values to make the lesson even more authentic and productive.

Follow-up Activity

1. The students are required to take the personality test in the Personal DNA website [] and answer all the questions.

2. The students are required to pick 5 interesting ways from Toilet Paper Entrepreneur website [] and write a short essay on how to develop their talent, based on their test result from the Personal DNA website.

3. The essay should be submitted to the teacher via email, at in 2 days from the day of the lesson.


  1. Firdaus, your LP is similar to someone else's (though not the websites chosen)

  2. I suppose, Sir as I have been referring to everyone's LP in order to get the best form of mine. However, I do not wish to copy any of my colleague's LP, in the first place. I am the type of person who needs to be shown good examples in order to work on mine. :)
